what happen to the body on 22 days of water fasting

  • Periodical List
  • PLoS One
  • PMC6314618

PLoS One. 2019; 14(1): e0209353.

Safety, health comeback and well-being during a iv to 21-day fasting period in an observational written report including 1422 subjects

Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Resource, Supervision, Writing – original typhoon, Writing – review & editing,# one, * Franziska Grundler, Information curation, Formal assay, Investigation, Project administration, Writing – original typhoon, Writing – review & editing,# 1, ii Audrey Bergouignan, Formal assay, Methodology, Writing – review & editing,three, four, v, half dozen Stefan Drinda, Data curation, Writing – review & editing,1 and Andreas Michalsen, Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing seven, viii

Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo

1 Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic, Überlingen, Germany

Franziska Grundler

1 Buchinger Wilhelmi Dispensary, Überlingen, Germany

two Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany

Audrey Bergouignan

3 Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes and Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado, Us

4 Partition of Geriatric Medicine, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado, U.s. of America

five Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, Strasbourg, French republic

half-dozen UMR 7178 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Strasbourg, France

Stefan Drinda

1 Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic, Überlingen, Germany

Andreas Michalsen

7 Establish of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Found of Health, Berlin, Germany

eight Department of Internal and Integrative Medicine, Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Massimiliano Ruscica, Editor

Received 2018 Jun 18; Accepted 2018 December 3.

Supplementary Materials

S1 Tabular array: Upshot of fasting on clinical parameters, well-existence and ketosis. (PDF)

GUID: E73CF546-E09B-4658-B6C9-4050C25835FB

S2 Tabular array: Issue of fasting on lipid parameters and glycaemia. (PDF)

GUID: 8A9DEAEA-FD69-4126-8FA8-A0678CDDBDD8

S3 Table: Raw data of Fig 2. Changes in weight and abdominal circumference according to the length of fast and gender.


GUID: 38A6471A-3C2C-4513-874A-058E539BA17A

S4 Tabular array: Raw information of Fig 3. Changes in systolic and diastolic claret pressure according to the fasting length.


GUID: 30A13F43-F67C-4938-AB3D-80E26F4E9A2F

S5 Tabular array: Raw information of Fig 4. Changes in emotional and physical well-beingness during fasting.


GUID: 7553331F-E948-48F8-881F-12556B044333

S6 Table: Raw information of Fig 5. Fasting-induced changes in lipid metabolism.


GUID: 62E9A3AA-1C0A-4D0F-9C8B-94EE1B644C74

S7 Tabular array: Raw information of Fig 6. Changes of claret glucose and glycated haemoglobin.


GUID: 995A44CA-7B70-48F5-82E7-4902543B8457

S8 Tabular array: Raw data of Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the subjects.


GUID: 13A0195B-1330-4C98-BEEE-E5F7221DCDFD

S9 Table: Raw data of Table ii. Balmy symptoms and adverse furnishings.


GUID: 31C91F3C-C923-4B5F-95C0-14F1DC3A308C

S10 Table: Raw data of Tabular array iii. Blood cells pre- and post-fasting.


GUID: E1885D0D-C5D3-4FDB-BDBC-660C9135F533

S11 Table: Raw data of Table four. Blood parameters pre- and post-fasting.


GUID: 087806B3-F3AC-4DC8-ABC4-A41A6BC45CAE

S12 Table: Raw data of S1 Table. Effect of fasting on clinical parameters, well-being and ketosis.


GUID: E6FBECFF-B807-498D-B8D2-F251EDEC8728

S13 Table: Raw data of S1 Fig. Occurrence of self-reported mild symptoms during fasting.


GUID: E1BDAD96-E1AB-4EEA-BA6A-DDE286464282

S14 Table: Raw data of S2 Fig. Evolution of a pre-existing health complaint.


GUID: D6991364-3BF9-4BEC-A88B-82E34D41C332

S15 Table: Raw data of S4 Table. Effect of fasting on lipid parameters and glycaemia.


GUID: 0596BA7F-F76E-4BFA-92F2-CC9753BE6C33

S1 Fig: Occurrence of cocky-reported mild symptoms during fasting. (PDF)

GUID: 21E8D56B-7DA9-4166-9C90-5806CE542606

S2 Fig: Evolution of a pre-existing health complaint. A subgroup of 404 subjects indicated to take a major wellness complaint previous to the fasting.


GUID: 4D881790-BE2F-47A4-A770-D6BB8C04E9F0

S1 Text: STROBE checklist. (PDF)

GUID: 8385E8E3-E261-44AB-8051-4A85CF947F02

S2 Text: Study protocol in German. (PDF)

GUID: 16020481-D358-47F9-9861-E9E245D9066D

S3 Text: Report protocol translated to English. (PDF)

GUID: B00D88DC-8C88-4016-A68D-6C4C5D6E40FF

S4 Text: Questionnaires in High german. (PDF)

GUID: F21F7D6B-447C-4400-A6B7-65696DEF1A08

S5 Text: Questionnaires in English language. (PDF)

GUID: 8F9071FE-0A4B-4E34-9CB5-3B92196FDB3E

S6 Text: Questionnaires in French. (PDF)

GUID: AFE9490C-74BD-49E6-8019-B982EFBF4FD8

Data Availability Statement

All relevant information are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.


Merely few studies document longer periods of fasting in large cohorts including not-obese participants. The aim of this study was to document prospectively the safety and any changes in basic health and well-existence indicators during Buchinger periodic fasting inside a specialised clinic. In a i-yr observational report 1422 subjects participated in a fasting programme consisting of fasting periods of between 4 and 21 days. Subjects were grouped in fasting period lengths of 5, x, fifteen and 20±ii days. The participants fasted according to the Buchinger guidelines with a daily caloric intake of 200–250 kcal accompanied past a moderate-intensity lifestyle program. Clinical parameters equally well as adverse effects and well-existence were documented daily. Claret examinations earlier and at the finish of the fasting period complemented the pre-post analysis using mixed-effects linear models. Meaning reductions in weight, abdominal circumference and blood pressure were observed in the whole group (each p<0.001). A benign modulating effect of fasting on claret lipids, glucoregulation and farther general health-related blood parameters was shown. In all groups, fasting led to a subtract in claret glucose levels to low norm range and to an increment in ketone bodies levels (each p<0.001), documenting the metabolic switch. An increase in physical and emotional well-being (each p<0.001) and an absence of hunger feeling in 93.2% of the subjects supported the feasibility of prolonged fasting. Among the 404 subjects with pre-existing wellness-complaints, 341 (84.4%) reported an improvement. Agin effects were reported in less than one% of the participants. The results from 1422 subjects showed for the beginning fourth dimension that Buchinger periodic fasting lasting from 4 to 21 days is safe and well tolerated. Information technology led to enhancement of emotional and physical well-being and improvements in relevant cardiovascular and general risk factors, as well as subjective health complaints.


There are a growing number of recent publications on intermittent fasting (IF), generally lasting 16 to 48 hours, and calorie restriction (CR). Periodic fasting (PF), recently defined as lasting from ii to equally many as 21 or more days, is less studied in humans, especially for periods longer than 4 days [i, 2]. Results show that lifespan and healthspan are prolonged in several fauna models by fasting and CR [2–7] and that parameters of historic period-related diseases are improved in humans [5, 8, 9]. Fasting leads to pronounced metabolic changes: The shift from carbohydrates and glucose to fat acids and ketones as the major cellular fuel source for body and brain seems to play a key role. It has recently been referred to every bit intermittent metabolic switching (IMS) and glucose-to-ketone (K-to-K) switch. The reverse pace–ketone-to-glucose (Thou-to-G) switch–happens upon refeeding [two]. The Thousand-to-K switch includes reduction in blood glucose, insulin and IGF-1 levels, depletion or reduction of glycogen stores, and an increase in lipolysis and ketogenesis [ii, v, ten]. Fasting has been shown to induce differential cellular stress resistance [11] and autophagy [12, 13], as well as triggering the synthesis of detoxification enzymes [nine, fourteen]. Fasting seems to modify the intestinal microbiome [9, 15]. Information technology also leads to changes in the intestinal mucosal walls in rats [16] and to pronounced neuroendocrine adaptation processes [2, 17]. Finally, in the K-to-One thousand switch, fasting has been found to actuate stem cells and multiple system regeneration in the refeeding flow [4, eighteen, 19] and to increase the mitochondrial biogenesis in neurons and other body cells [two, ix].

Long periods of fasting, lasting several days to several weeks, are physiologic, e.g. during seasons of low dominicus exposure, and are even so part of the life of most animals [twenty, 21] equally well as of humans living without food conservation technologies [22].

Fasting periods with various patterns are found in most religions [23]. For example, Ramadan intermittent fasting was linked with improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors [24]. Furthermore, morbid obesity and associated diseases were treated in the 1960s with long periods of fasting that were termed the "zero calorie diet" [25, 26]. In exceptional circumstances these periods could final up to 249 days or more [27, 28]. A medical programme of periodic fasting developed by the High german physician Otto Buchinger to treat obesity and metabolic and inflammatory pathologies is well-known in cardinal Europe [29–31]. The therapeutic furnishings of Buchinger periodic fasting are documented in small-scale studies on overweight [32], blood force per unit area [33], metabolic syndrome [34], fibromyalgia [35], chronic pain syndromes [36] and the enhancement of quality of life [37]. The furnishings of repeated cycles of Buchinger fasting have also been reported [38, 39].

We are not aware of large studies on PF including normal weight or moderately obese subjects and focused on safety and tolerability. In the present observational study, we documented prospectively the safety, full general wellness-related outcomes and well-being of 1422 subjects. They fasted for periods between 4 to 21 days nether medical supervision co-ordinate to the Buchinger fasting program, equally described in peer-reviewed guidelines [31]. The fasting took place in a facility specialized in therapeutic fasting, the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic (BWC) in Germany. The protocol involved daily clinical monitoring, intake of ii–iii L of water per day and 250 kcal of food, as well as a multi-disciplinary program including wellness teaching and physical action.

The aim of this study was to assess for the starting time time prospectively the condom, therapeutic efficiency and furnishings on well-being of Buchinger periodic fasting in a large cohort.

Materials and methods


This observational and prospective written report was canonical by the medical council of Baden-Württemberg and the Ethics Committee of the Charité-University Medical Center, Berlin (application number: EA4/054/15) on 5 May 2015. The study protocol was registered in the High german Clinical Trials Register (DRKS-ID: DRKS00010111). The authors ostend that all ongoing and related trials for this intervention are registered. At the time of obtaining the ethical approving by the German language authorities it was not mandatory to register an observational study. Only randomized clinical trials were clearly recommended to register. Nevertheless, we decided to annals this observational study (on 3 June 2016).

Participants were enrolled later giving their written informed consent between one January and 31 December 2016. The study was conducted in the BWC in Überlingen (Deutschland) in accord with the principles of the Annunciation of Helsinki. The follow-upwards was completed between 26 January 2016 and 18 December 2017.


Our study on Buchinger fasting during periods of 4 to 21 days included 1422 subjects. They were selected out of a full of 3929 subjects who were admitted to the BWC and fulfilled the following criteria: they had a clinic stay of at least 10 nights and signed the informed written consent at the beginning of the inpatient stay after confirming that they would not participate in another written report. Subjects were aged between xviii–99 years and had no predefined contraindication to Buchinger fasting (due east.g. cachexia, anorexia nervosa, avant-garde kidney, liver or cerebrovascular insufficiency, dementia or other severely debilitating cognitive illness and no existing pregnancy or lactation period) [31]. Furthermore, blood must have been collected on the precise days defined in the protocol (S2 and S3 Text). We excluded subjects who were prescribed other diets than fasting according to predefined criteria as well as those who could non follow the written report procedures due to an inability to speak High german, English or French. A period chart reflecting the selection process is given in Fig 1.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is pone.0209353.g001.jpg

Flow chart of the selection procedure of written report participants.

The subjects came voluntarily to the BWC for preventive or therapeutic reasons. They selected established programs of 5, 10, 15 and 20 fasting days, which are reflected in the 4 groups (F5d, F10d, F15d, F20d). The main personal intentions for the fasting intervention were reduction of cardiovascular take chances factors, weight loss in case of obesity and relief of general health problems such as inflammatory diseases, distress and exhaustion. In example of prescribed drug intake, the dosage was adapted during the stay by the 8 physicians of the clinic, who examined all participants two to 3 times per week. The subjects had a broad diverseness of national and cultural backgrounds. The bulk of them came from upper social classes and had high didactics levels.

Fasting plan

All subjects fasted according to the guidelines of the Buchinger fasting therapy [31] nether daily supervision of nurses and specialized physicians. On the day earlier the beginning of the fast, the participants were given a 600 kcal vegetarian diet divided into 3 meals of either rice and vegetables or fruits, according to individual preference. To initiate the fasting menstruum, the intestinal tract was emptied through the intake of a laxative (twenty–40 k NaSO4 in 500 ml water). During fasting all subjects were asked to drink 3 L of water or non-caloric herbal teas daily with an optional portion of xx g honey. Additionally, an organic freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice (250 ml) was served at noon and a vegetable soup (250 ml) in the evening, leading to an average full calorie intake of 200–250 kcal and 25–35 one thousand of carbohydrates per day. At the beginning of the fasting period the subjects entered a programme of calorie-free physical exercise alternating with rest and private balmy non-physical treatments like hydrotherapy or physiotherapy. The practise plan consisted of lite to moderate intensity outdoor walks and grouping gymnastics. The whole program was led by certified trainers. During the fasting period an enema or, if preferred by the patient, a balmy laxative was applied every second twenty-four hours in club to remove intestinal remnants and desquamated mucosal cells. On the last twenty-four hour period of fasting, nutrient was stepwise reintroduced during an average of 4 days, with an ovo-lacto-vegetarian organic diet progressively increasing from 800 to 1600 kcal/day.


To document safe too as health benefits and well-being during a prolonged periodic fasting program, we performed the predefined following measurements at baseline (pre-) and at the completion of fasting (post-). Before starting the fast all subjects went through a thorough physical examination and their medical history was documented.

Well-beingness, ketone bodies, mild symptoms and any changes in major wellness complaints were self-reported nether supervision. The results were daily noted in a questionnaire (S4, S5, S6 Text). A total of 1311 subjects out of the 1422 returned the completed questionnaire.

Weight, abdominal circumference, claret force per unit area and pulse

Clinical information were collected by the physicians. Trained nurses documented every morning co-ordinate to a standardized protocol the body weight of the participants wearing standard vesture (Seca 704, Seca, Hamburg, Deutschland). Blood pressure and pulse were measured after a break, once at the non-dominant arm in sitting position (upper arm blood force per unit area monitor, boso Carat professional, BOSCH + SOHN GmbH u. Co. KG, Jungingen, Germany). Height was assessed with seca 285 (Seca, Hamburg, Germany) and intestinal circumference was determined with a measuring tape mid-way betwixt the lowest rib and the iliac crest (openmindz GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany).


To evaluate well-being, the participants self-reported daily their physical (PWB) and emotional well-existence (EWB) on numeric rating scales from 0 (very bad) to 10 (excellent), under nurses' supervision. The aim was to certificate the tolerability of the fasting programme.

In a pre-report sample, nosotros evaluated the acceptance of validated questionnaires to appraise well-being inside the patient population of the BWC, simply found that they were regarded equally as well time-consuming in comparing with the numeric rating scales. To avoid driblet-out and missing data, we therefore decided to apply numeric rating scales.

Ketone bodies

The subjects cocky-measured the semi-quantitative concentration of ketone bodies in the showtime morning urine using Ketostix (Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany), which reacts according to the concentration of acetoacetic acid.

Mild symptoms and adverse effects

The Buchinger periodic fasting programme was continuously monitored for safety and supervised by the medical staff: mild symptoms were reported daily by ways of a multiple pick questionnaire, completed by the subjects under the supervision of nurses. This questionnaire listed the xix most frequent mild symptoms that are observed in BWC and mentioned in the guidelines of the Buchinger fasting therapy [31]. We considered a mild symptom every bit being relevant when it was mentioned at to the lowest degree 3 times. In addition to the listed symptoms, the medical staff reported further mild symptoms that we categorized as "observed symptoms". Furthermore, occasional adverse effects (AE) were documented by the physicians.

Major health complaint

A self-evaluation of health status was undertaken at the end of the stay: the subjects were asked to self-charge per unit whatever changes in their major health complaint (in cases in which they indicated one at the brainstorm of the fast) during the fasting intervention on a visual numeric scale from 0 (much worse) to 7 (much better).

Claret assay

A claret analysis was taken according to international methods (run into below): (lipid parameters: total cholesterol [TC], triglycerides [TG], loftier-density lipoprotein [HDL-C], low-density cholesterol [LDL], LDL-C/HDL-C ratio [LDL/HDL-ratio]; glycaemia: blood glucose and glycated haemoglobin [HbA1c]; blood count: leukocytes, erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit, mean prison cell book [MCV], mean corpuscular haemoglobin [MCH], mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration [MCHC], thrombocytes; coagulation: international normalized ratio [INR], Quick, partial thromboplastin time [PTT]; liver office: serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase [GOT], serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase [GPT], serum gamma-glutamyl transferase [GGT], alkaline metal phosphatase [AP]; inflammatory biomarkers: C-reactive protein [CRP], erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR] later i and 2 hours; renal function: uric acrid, urea and creatinine and electrolytes: sodium [Na], potassium [K], calcium [Ca], magnesium [Mg]).

Laboratory examinations

Blood samples were collected twice, namely before the outset of the fasting (thereafter referred equally baseline values) and at the cease of the fasting period. They were nerveless by trained medical-technical assistants between seven.thirty and 9.30 am and drawn into EDTA (Southward-Monovette 2.7 ml K3 EDTA), citrate (S-Monovette 3 ml 9NC, Citrate iii.two% [i:x]) and blood sedimentation tubes (South-Sedivette three.five ml 4NC, ESR/Citrate Buffer [1:5]), that were shaken gently after filling. Additionally, serum tubes including serum gel with clotting activator (S-Monovette 9 ml Z-Gel) were used and stored upright for 30 min until coagulation, with subsequent centrifugation at 3920 g (5000 rpm) for x min at room temperature. All tubes were manufactured by Sarsteadt AG & Co. (Nürnbrecht, Germany).

The ESR was assessed within a period of 4 hours later on blood collection and determined after ane and 2 hours of claret sedimentation. All further analyses were performed at MVZ Labor Ravensburg, co-ordinate to the manufacturer's pedagogy, in a fully- automated laboratory. Blood cell count (leukocytes, erythrocytes, haemoglobin, MCV, MCH, MCHC, thrombocytes) was measured using the blood analyser Sysmex XN-9000 (Sysmex Europe GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany). Coagulation parameters (INR, Quick, PTT) were assessed on ACL Superlative (Werfen, Kirchheim, Frg). The liver enzymes (GOT, GPT, GGT, AP), kidney parameters (urea, creatinine, uric acid), lipid parameters (TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C, LDL/HDL ratio), electrolytes (Na, K, Ca), glucose and CRP were analysed with ADVIA 2400 (Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany). The HbA1c was assessed with TOSOHTM (Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH, München, Frg) and Mg with ICP-MS 7700x series (Agilent, Waldbronn, Germany).

Information and statistical analysis

Participants were divided into four groups according to the duration of their fasting period (Fig 1): F5d underwent a fasting period of 5±2 days, with an average of 5.4 (n = 695), F10d underwent a fasting catamenia of 10±2 days, with an average of 8.half dozen (northward = 530), F15d underwent a fasting flow of xv±ii days, with an average of 14.1 (north = 196) and F20d underwent a fasting period of xx±2 days, with an average of 20.ane (northward = 37). Betwixt-group differences at baseline were tested using a 1-fashion ANOVA examination followed by Tukey'due south post-hoc tests.

Nosotros tested the effect of fasting, while taking into account the sex activity and fasting duration group effects, by using a multistep parsimonious statistical arroyo. First, for each outcome the consequence of fasting was assessed past using mixed linear models taking repeated measurements among subjects into business relationship, with fasting intervention, fasting elapsing group, sexual activity, fasting duration group-by-fasting-intervention, fasting intervention-by-sex, sex-by-fasting duration group and baseline values of the result (pre-fasting) every bit fixed effects. For each outcome, the covariance structures was selected amongst three (compound symmetry (CS), autoregressive (AR(1)) and variance components (VC)) using the Bayesian data criteria (BIC). In a final step the interaction furnishings that were not significant, were removed from the model to obtain a more parsimonious model. To simplify the presentation of the results, sexual activity differences are presented in figures simply when the fasting-intervention-by-sex event was significant. To take into account the multiple tests performed on this dataset, significance was set at a conservative level of p<0.01.

Data are shown as mean±standard error of the mean (SEM), if not indicated otherwise. Statistical analyses were performed with SAS version ix.4 (SAS Establish, Cary, USA). Graphs were generated using GraphPad Prism version six for Windows (GraphPad Software, La Jolla California USA).


General parameters

The baseline characteristics of the 1422 adult participants are shown in Table one. Hateful age was 55.4±0.4 with 59.1% women and 40.nine% men. In total 63.4% of the subjects were non-obese (BMI<30). Course I obesity (30≤BMI<35) was present in 19.5% and form Two or higher (BMI≥35) in ten.three%. Subjects who chose to fast on average for 20 days (F20d) had the highest baseline trunk mass index (BMI), the highest abdominal circumference (waist), and largest weight reduction (-8.half-dozen±0.3 kg) (each p<0.001). Men had a college mean BMI at baseline (Tabular array 1).

Tabular array 1

Baseline characteristics of the subjects.

All F5d F10d F15d F20d
Days (d) five±2 10±2 15±2 xx±2
Subjects, northward (%) 1422 (100.0) 659 (46.3) 530 (37.3) 196 (13.8) 37 (2.6)
Men (%) 581 (40.ix) 278 (42.two) 214 (twoscore.4) 76 (38.8) 13 (35.1)
Women (%) 841 (59.one) 381 (57.eight) 316 (59.half dozen) 120 (61.two) 24 (64.ix)
Age, years 55.4±0.4 54.2±0.5 b , c 56.3±0.6 a 56.iv±0.9 a 56.4±2.3
Fasting length (days) 8.2±0.1 5.4±0.0 b , c , d 8.6±0.0 a , c , d xiv.i±0.1 a , b , d xx.one±0.2 a , b , c
Waist, cm 94.0±0.4 91.3±0.6 b , c , d 94.eight±0.vii a , c , d 98.three±i.two a , b , d 106.iii±2.eight a , b , c
Weight, kg 82.0±0.five 79.3±0.8 b , c , d 82.seven±0.9 a , c , d 86.6±1.six a , b , d 96.7±4.0 a , b , c
BMI, kg/mtwo 28.ii±0.ii 27.two±0.two b , c , d 28.five±0.iii a , c , d 29.seven±0.4 a , b , d 33.6±one.1 a , b , c
    BMI<25, due north (%) 404 (28.4) 227 (56.2) 133 (32.9) 41 (10.i) iii (0.7)
    25≤BMI<30, n (%) 497 (35.0) 232 (46.seven) 199 (40.0) 61 (12.3) 5 (1.0)
    BMI≥thirty, north (%) 425 (29.9) 155 (36.v) 160 (37.6) 84 (nineteen.eight) 26 (half-dozen.1)
BMI men, kg/mtwo 30.0±0.2 29.ii±0.3 30.3±0.3 31.3±0.seven 34.0±1.five
    BMI<25, n (%) 74 (12.7) 46 (62.2) xviii (24.3) ten (thirteen.5) 0 (0.0)
    25≤BMI<30, n (%) 231 (39.viii) 117 (50.6) 92 (39.8) 20 (eight.vii) 2 (0.9)
    BMI≥30, n (%) 230 (39.6) 94 (xl.9) 87 (37.viii) twoscore (17.iv) 9 (3.9)
BMI women, kg/mii 27.0±0.2 25.7±0.2 27.3±0.3 28.vii±0.5 33.3±1.4
    BMI<25, n (%) 330 (39.2) 181 (54.8) 115 (34.8) 31 (9.4) 3 (0.9)
    25≤BMI<xxx, northward (%) 266 (31.6) 115 (43.two) 107 (40.2) 41 (15.4) 3 (1.1)
    BMI≥thirty, n (%) 195 (23.2) 61 (31.3) 73 (37.4) 44 (22.6) 17 (viii.7)

Weight, abdominal circumference and blood pressure level

As expected, weight and BMI showed a significant decrease (fasting intervention: p<0.001) in all iv groups (S1 Table). The weight loss increased with the fasting catamenia length and varied between 3.2±0.0 kg for F5d and 8.six±0.three kg for F20d (fasting duration group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001). Abdominal circumference also decreased significantly (fasting intervention: p<0.001). The reduction varied between 4.6±0.1 cm for F5d and 8.viii±0.8 cm for F20d (fasting duration group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001). Weight and intestinal circumference reduction were significantly college (fasting-intervention-by-sex: each p<0.001) in men in all groups (Fig 2A and 2B), compared with women.

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Changes in weight (A) and abdominal circumference (B) co-ordinate to the length of fast and gender.

Baseline values of systolic blood force per unit area (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were college in the groups fasting longer (Fig 3A and 3B). The mean values for the whole cohort decreased significantly from 131.half-dozen±0.vii to 120.7±0.iv for SBP (fasting intervention: p<0.001) and from 83.7±0.4 to 77.9±0.3 for DBP (fasting intervention: p<0.001). The reduction of SBP and DBP was greater in the groups who fasted longer (fasting duration group-by-fasting intervention: each p<0.001) without gender difference (Fig 3A and 3B), stabilizing for the whole cohort around 120/78 mm Hg (S1 Table). We did not discover meaning changes in heart rate during fasting in the whole group (S1 Tabular array).

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Changes in systolic (A) and diastolic blood pressure (B) according to the fasting length.


Baseline values of emotional well-beingness (EWB) and physical well-being (PWB) were lower in the groups that fasted longer. This suggests that subjects choosing longer fasting periods had lower emotional and physical cocky-ratings at baseline than the ones who selected shorter periods of fast. EWB besides as PWB were both significantly enhanced in the grade of the fast (fasting intervention: each p<0.001) (S1 Table). At that place is no difference betwixt genders for those parameters (Fig 4A and 4B). All groups reached similar increased values of well-existence at the cease of their stay.

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Changes in emotional (A) and concrete well-being (B) during fasting. Self-recorded data of a 0–10 numeric rating calibration for a total of 1074 volunteers are shown.

Ketone bodies

Acetoacetic acid, reflecting ketosis, increased significantly from baseline to the end of fast (fasting intervention: p<0.001), suggesting a plateau value reached subsequently 5 days. Men had higher scores of acetoacetic acid than women (fasting intervention-by-sex: p<0.001) (S1 Tabular array).

Mild symptoms and adverse furnishings

The safety of the Buchinger fasting program was assessed by collecting daily all cocky-reported and observed mild symptoms (Table two). Of the 1311 participants who returned the filled questionnaire, 0.35% reported muscular cramp, which was the least frequent mild symptom, and 14.94% sleep disturbances, which was the nearly frequent mild symptom. Equally shown in S1 Fig. the incidence of balmy symptoms similar muscle pain, sleep disturbances, headaches, and hunger occurred mainly in the starting time days of the fast.

Tabular array 2

Mild symptoms and adverse furnishings (AE).

Mild symptoms (self-reported) n % Balmy symptoms (observed) northward %
Slumber Disturbance 169 14.94 Dizziness 2 0.14
Fatigue 155 13.lxx Eczema 2 0.14
Dry Oral fissure 100 8.84 Haemorrhage gums 1 0.07
Back Pain 84 7.43 Hyperventilation one 0.07
Hunger 77 half-dozen.81 Outbreak of infection 1 0.07
Bad Breath 61 5.39 Pleuropneumonia 1 0.07
Headache 61 v.39 Tetany one 0.07
Muscle Pain 49 4.33 Visual disorder i 0.07
Intestinal Bloating 47 four.16
Diarrhoea 38 3.36
Sensitivity to Cold 33 2.92 AE due north %
Cravings 29 2.56 Cardiac arrhythmia three 0.21
Vertigo 28 two.48 Hyponatremia 3 0.21
Blurred Vision 23 2.03 Hospitalisation 2 0.14
Restless Legs 23 2.03 Hypoglycaemia 2 0.14
Peel Rash 19 1.68 Hypokalaemia one 0.07
Nausea thirteen ane.15 Gout i 0.07
Palpitation 13 1.15 Vomiting 1 0.07
Dyspepsia 12 1.06 Spasmodic abdominal pain 1 0.07
Muscular cramp 4 0.35

No fatalities or permanent agin effects were observed. Ii subjects had to be admitted to infirmary. A 75-year former human being with known coronary avenue illness had on the 9th fasting day a non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction and received uncomplicated percutaneous coronary intervention. After 3 days in the hospital he returned to BWC. The second case was a 67-year old woman who had a one-day hospitalisation because of vomiting with dizziness and diarrhoea on the 4th fasting day. After returning to BWC she received an 800 kcal/d diet. The other AE were transitory and did not lead to an break of the fasting therapy. AE (Table 2) such as cardiac arrhythmia were low-grade, transitory and could exist treated uncomplicatedly without stopping the fasting. The same applied to transitory hypoglycaemia. We also observed one case of gout attack in a patient treated previous to the fasting with allopurinol for hyperuricemia and frequent gout attacks. He was able to be symptomatically treated and went on fasting.

Major wellness complaint

To document the effects of the Buchinger fasting program on their health we asked the participants to self-report if they had a major wellness complaint earlier the fasting and how this condition had been influenced by the fast. A group of 404 subjects out of the 1311 who returned the self-report (S2 Fig) mentioned having a major health complaint previous to the fasting. They were asked to evaluate the changes after the fasting. In 84.4% of the 404 subjects the major wellness complaint had much improved, viii.7% reported that information technology remained unchanged and 6.9% reported a worsening.

Claret lipids and glycaemia

We assessed the impact of the Buchinger fasting program on metabolism past analysing several blood parameters (S2 Table).

The lipid values are indicated in S2 Table and Fig 5. At baseline, TG values of women were lower than the values of men. Fasting reduced TG levels by 0.44 mmol/Fifty on average (fasting intervention: p<0.001) (S2 Table). TG levels at the terminate of the fasting were similar in all groups, suggesting a floor effect (Fig 5A). The decrease in TC was pregnant (fasting intervention: p<0.001) and higher in the groups who fasted for longer (fasting duration group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001). Fig 5B indicates that F15d and F20d had similar mail service-values. There was no departure in TC changes during fasting betwixt men and women. Baseline HDL-C values were higher in women (Fig 5C). HDL-C decreased significantly (fasting intervention: p<0.001). The reduction was higher in the groups that fasted longer (fasting elapsing group-past-fasting intervention: p<0.001) and in women compared to men (fasting intervention-past-sex: p<0.001). LDL-C decreased significantly (fasting intervention: p<0.001) (Fig 5D) and again the decrease was higher in the groups that fasted longer (fasting elapsing group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001). Gender differences for LDL-C were not significant. The LDL/HDL ratio was not influenced by fasting.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is pone.0209353.g005.jpg

Fasting-induced changes in lipid metabolism.

The blood glucose parameters are given in S2 Table and Fig 6. Baseline values for glucose were higher in men compared to women (Fig half-dozen). The glucose values decreased significantly (fasting intervention: p<0.001) without differences between the fasting period lengths and stabilized at an boilerplate of iv.seven mmol/L (S2 Table). Fig 6B shows the pregnant decrease in HbA1c (fasting intervention: p<0.001), which varied between a decrease of one.two±0.ane for F5d and 2.6±0.5 mmol/mol for F20d (fasting duration group-past-fasting intervention: p<0.001).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is pone.0209353.g006.jpg

Changes of claret glucose (A) and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) (B). The panel A was divide for gender to increase the readability of the figure.

Blood count

Table 3 shows the impact of fasting on blood count. Leucocytes decreased significantly in all groups (fasting intervention: p<0.001) with stronger reduction in the groups who fasted longer (fasting duration group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001) and without statistical significance between men and women. Erythrocytes showed an increase (fasting intervention: p<0.001) of an average of 0.06 x106/μl in all groups and steadied at around 4.82x106/μl. Haemoglobin showed also an increase (fasting intervention: p<0.001) of most 0.1 mmol/L that was independent of the fasting length. Haematocrit was not influenced by fasting. Thrombocytes showed a pregnant reduction (fasting intervention: p<0.001) during fasting by a hateful of 6.6±0.7x103/μl, with gender difference (fasting intervention-past-sex: p<0.001) and influence of the fasting length (fasting duration group-past-fasting intervention: p<0.001).

Table 3

Claret cells pre- and post-fasting.

(north = 1422)
v±2 d
x±two d
fifteen±2 d
xx±2 d
pre mail pre post pre mail service Pre post pre post fasting inter-
fasting dura-
tion group
sex fasting dura-
tion group-past-fasting inter-
fasting inter-
Leukocytes, 103/μl 5.9±0.0 5.iv±0.0 5.9±0.one 5.5±0.i 6.0±0.1 5.four±0.1 6.0±0.1 five.0±0.1 v.seven±0.3 4.7±0.2 <0.001 <0.001 0.18 <0.001
Erythrocytes, 10six/μl 4.76±0.01 iv.82±0.01 iv.76±0.02 4.82±0.02 4.76±0.02 four.81±0.02 four.74±0.03 4.81±0.03 four.74±0.07 4.86±0.07 <0.001 0.96 <0.001 0.001
Haemoglobin, mmol/L viii.9±0.0 9.0±0.0 eight.9±0.0 9.0±0.0 8.nine±0.0 9.0±0.0 8.nine±0.one 9.0±0.0 eight.7±0.1 viii.nine±0.1 <0.001 0.72 0.33 <0.001
Haematocrit, % 42.2±0.i 42.three±0.ane 42.ii±0.1 42.3±0.i 42.three±0.ane 42.3±0.i 42.2±0.2 42.3±0.2 41.8±0.5 42.2±0.5 0.74 0.83 0.06 0.02
MCV, fl 89.0±0.one 88.0±0.1 88.8±0.2 87.ix±0.2 89.1±0.2 88.0±0.two 89.3±0.iii 88.0±0.three 88.five±0.9 87.0±0.8 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 0.001 <0.001
MCH, pg 30.1±0.1 30.1±0.1 xxx.1±0.i 30.1±0.ane 30.2±0.one 30.2±0.1 30.2±0.i 30.ane±0.1 29.7±0.iii 29.seven±0.3 0.38 0.12 0.82 0.09
MCHC, 1000/dl 33.ix±0.0 34.2±0.0 33.9±0.0 34.ii±0.0 33.9±0.0 34.three±0.0 33.8±0.i 34.2±0.1 33.6±0.2 34.0±0.ane <0.001 0.80 0.11 0.004
Thrombocytes, 103/μl 244.1±1.five 237.v±one.5 242.half dozen±2.2 239.ii±2.2 245.9±2.five 238.ix±2.half dozen 243.9±3.9 230.6±iv.1 245.6±11.4 224.4±eleven.four <0.001 <0.001 0.03 <0.001 <0.001


Table four shows changes in blood coagulation parameters, liver function, inflammatory parameters, kidney function and electrolytes. INR and PTT increased (fasting intervention: each p<0.001) and Quick value decreased (fasting intervention: p<0.001) significantly during fasting. The fasting period length had a significant influence on the coagulation parameters (fasting elapsing grouping-past-fasting intervention: each p<0.001) and more pronounced changes were observed in groups of longer fasting periods.

Table 4

Blood parameters pre- and postal service-fasting.

(n = 1422)
5±2 d
10±2 d
xv±ii d
20±2 d
pre mail service pre post pre post Pre post pre post fasting inter-
fasting dura-
tion group
sex fasting dura-
tion group-past-fasting inter-
fasting inter-
INR 0.99±0.00 1.08±0.00 0.98±0.00 ane.06±0.00 0.99±0.01 i.09±0.01 0.99±0.02 1.11±0.02 0.98±0.01 1.x±0.02 <0.001 <0.001 0.84 <0.001
Quick, % 104.three±0.3 91.four±0.three 104.2±0.5 92.9±0.4 104.0±0.half-dozen 90.6±0.five 105.vi±1.0 89.1±0.9 104.1±one.2 88.3±i.9 <0.001 <0.001 0.33 <0.001 0.005
PTT, sec 31.one±0.1 32.seven±0.1 31.1±0.i 32.4±0.one 31.0±0.ane 32.8±0.2 31.2±0.ii 33.7±0.3 31.four±0.iv 32.9±0.5 <0.001 <0.001 0.88 <0.001
GOT, μkat/50 0.4±0.0 0.vi±0.0 0.4±0.0 0.half-dozen±0.0 0.iv±0.0 0.6±0.0 0.4±0.0 0.half dozen±0.0 0.four±0.0 0.seven±0.0 <0.001 0.73 0.007 <0.001
GPT, μkat/Fifty 0.v±0.0 0.seven±0.0 0.5±0.0 0.half-dozen±0.0 0.five±0.0 0.7±0.0 0.5±0.0 0.seven±0.0 0.6±0.0 0.viii±0.ane <0.001 0.07 0.65 0.x
GGT, μkat/L 0.6±0.0 0.4±0.0 0.5±0.0 0.4±0.0 0.6±0.ane 0.4±0.0 0.6±0.1 0.4±0.0 0.5±0.1 0.4±0.01 <0.001 <0.001 0.18 <0.001 <0.001
AP, μkat/L 1.1±0.0 1.0±0.0 one.0±0.0 1.0±0.0 one.1±0.0 1.1±0.0 1.1±0.0 1.0±0.0 1.2±0.ane 1.1±0.ane <0.001 <0.001 0.003 <0.001 0.002
CRP, mg/L 2.85±0.14 4.30±0.20 2.49±0.19 iv.11±0.27 3.02±0.28 4.35±0.36 three.37±0.32 4.74±0.63 4.08±0.67 4.67±0.82 0.001 0.97 0.99 0.81 0.53
ESR 1h 11.six±0.2 xi.4±0.2 10.9±0.iii xi.seven±0.3 11.8±0.4 11.five±0.4 12.8±0.seven ten.six±0.6 15.one±i.6 10.2±1.four <0.001 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001
ESR 2h 21.7±0.4 21.3±0.four 20.4±0.v 21.eight±0.v 22.1±0.vi 21.4±0.six 23.9±i.1 19.7±1.0 28.2±2.8 twenty.one±ii.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Uric acid, μmol/L 338.one±two.3 495.2±iv.4 334.0±3.3 481.1±six.0 339.ii±iii.eight 505.five±7.5 345.3±vi.4 513.0±13.5 355.9±12.viii 505.4±thirty.half dozen <0.001 0.01 <0.001 0.01 <0.001
Urea, mmol/50 4.vii±0.0 3.1±0.0 iv.vi±0.i 3.three±0.1 4.7±0.i 3.0±0.1 4.7±0.ane 2.7±0.one v.1±0.iii 2.viii±0.three <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Creatinine, μmol/L 71.92±0.40 76.43±0.54 72.53±0.58 76.45±0.76 71.88±0.68 76.88±one.00 69.86±0.98 74.98±1.21 72.27±2.53 77.17±iii.13 <0.001 0.34 <0.001 <0.001
Na,mmol/50 140.1±0.1 138.7±0.ane 140.0±0.1 138.iv±0.i 140.1±0.1 138.eight±0.i 139.8±0.3 139.two±0.2 141.0±0.33 139.nine±0.4 <0.001 <0.001 0.37 0.003
Chiliad, mmol/L iv.iv±0.0 4.4±0.0 4.iv±0.0 4.4±0.0 4.four±0.0 iv.4±0.0 4.three±0.0 4.4±0.0 4.4±0.1 four.four±0.i 0.001 0.74 <0.001 0.008
Ca, mmol/L 2.32±0.00 2.38±0.00 two.33±0.00 2.36±0.00 ii.32±0.00 ii.39±0.00 2.32±0.01 2.39±0.01 ii.33±0.02 2.forty±0.02 <0.001 <0.001 0.14 <0.001
Mg, mmol/50 0.86±0.00 0.87±0.00 0.87±0.00 0.89±0.00 0.87±0.00 0.87±0.00 0.85±0.00 0.86±0.01 0.86±0.01 0.85±0.01 0.09 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Liver function

Regarding liver office, GOT and GPT levels rose significantly during the course of the fast (fasting intervention: each p<0.001) without difference between groups. The values at baseline and at the end remained within norm ranges (<0.8 μkat/Fifty) increasing for GOT in average from 0.4 to 0.6 μkat/L and GPT from 0.5 to 0.seven μkat/Fifty. GGT levels decreased significantly from a hateful of 0.6 to 0.four μkat/L (fasting intervention: p<0.001). AP showed a significant subtract (fasting intervention: p<0.001), more pronounced in the groups that fasted longer (fasting duration group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001), with a slight dependence on gender (fasting intervention-by-sex: p = 0.002). The mean values earlier and after the fast were all in the norm range.

Inflammatory biomarkers

The inflammatory biomarkers CRP and ESR were analysed. The mean values at baseline and at the end were all in norm range (<5.0 mg/L). CRP raised significantly during fasting (fasting intervention: p<0.001). There was no difference between groups and gender. ESR after 1 and 2 hours decreased significantly (fasting intervention: each p<0.001) and the groups with longer fasting periods displayed stronger reductions (fasting duration group-past-fasting intervention: each p<0.001).

Renal function and uric acrid

Uric acid levels, besides as renal function as reflected by urea and creatinine values, are given in Table 4. A significant increase of claret uric acid was observed (338.ane±ii.three to 495.2±4.4 μmol/50) (fasting intervention: p<0.001). The highest uric acid level was measured in F15d. Urea concentrations decreased significantly in all groups (fasting intervention: p<0.001), but the decrease was stronger in the groups with longer fasting periods (fasting elapsing group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001). Creatinine levels increased significantly (fasting intervention: p<0.001) with differences between the sexes (fasting intervention-by-sex: p<0.001) just without differences between groups.


Sodium concentrations remained in norm range only showed a significant reduction (fasting intervention: p<0.001) from a mean of 140.1±0.1 to 138.7±0.1 mmol/L. Calcium levels increased significantly (fasting intervention: p<0.001), with an effect of groups (fasting elapsing group-by-fasting intervention: p<0.001) merely not of gender. Potassium showed a reduction during fasting (fasting intervention: p = 0.001) and magnesium levels remained stable. All values pre- and mail service-fasting remained in norm range.


The present prospective observational study systematically investigated for the get-go time the effects of long periods of Buchinger fasting within a specialized clinic in a cohort of 1422 subjects. The results showed that this type of fasting from 4 to 21 days is safe and well tolerated. Furthermore, it led to enhancement of emotional and physical well-being and improvement of relevant cardiovascular risk factors and subjective health complaints.

Fasting resulted as expected in marked weight loss with reduction of abdominal circumference, which was more pronounced in the groups who fasted longer. Thus information technology can exist assumed that preferentially visceral adipose tissue was reduced with weight loss [xl]. Of annotation, no detail rebound in weight gain has been shown after repeated cycles of Buchinger fasting in a previous study [38, 39].

Blood pressure showed a significant decrease, whereby mean values did not autumn below the lower norm range, indicating a floor effect. Accordingly, serious hypotensive complications were non reported. Blood pressure level reduction might exist triggered by factors such as the increase of parasympathetic action due to the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [2, 41, 42], increased renal Na excretion [43] and enhanced receptor sensitivity of natriuretic peptides and insulin [44]. Earlier studies on zero calorie diets and very-low-calorie diets (VLCD) [45–47]–and more than recently in smaller studies on Buchinger fasting [33, 34] and water fasting [48]–also described this blood pressure level-reducing upshot.

We farther plant decreases in blood lipid levels following the fasting periods: TG levels likewise as TC and LDL-C decreased significantly in all groups. Glucose levels and HbA1c decreased besides significantly which points out to a positive outcome of fasting on glucoregulation. Information technology was likewise found in 2 previous smaller studies using Buchinger fasting [49, l].

Altogether, the positive impact of periodic Buchinger fasting on the above mentioned parameters suggests a general cardioprotective result that has as well been shown in IF [51].

The continuous increase in emotional too equally physical well-being was axiomatic beyond all groups of different fasting period lengths. This is an important component to increase compliance and has been reported in earlier studies based on daily mood ratings [26, 52, 53]. Weight loss, especially in obese subjects, is linked with mood improvement in many studies [54]. The Grand-to-K switch has been shown in IF to atomic number 82 to enhanced functioning in noesis, mood, motor and autonomic nervous system function [2, 55]. In IF and CR this is linked to the release of BDNF [51, 56]. BDNF, associated with neurogenesis and neuron protection, enhances the growth and survival of serotonin neurons [51, 57]. Furthermore, the reduction of insulin and leptin levels appears to human activity on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, thereby impacting mood positively [58]. Endogenous opioid (β-endorphin) could as well contribute to well-existence, as documented in a 10-solar day fasting trial in men [59]. In our study, the reported improvement of a major health complaint, frequently accompanied by pain relief, could possibly contribute to the increment of well-being. Moreover, it appears likely that a successful completion of a longer fasting menstruation improves the feeling of self-efficacy, thereby enhancing subjective well-being [37]. Information technology has been reported that brusque fasting periods of ii days, as well as alternate-day fasting, are associated with the feeling of hunger [60–62]. This seems to be an obstacle to patient compliance [61, 62]. In contrast, hunger was not reported past 93% of the subjects in our report, which often surprised them positively. This perhaps contributed to enhanced well-existence.

As expected, we observed a pregnant increase in urinary ketone bodies excretion up to a maximum level that was similar in all groups. This suggests that in 5 days a plateau was reached. Ketosis and IMS was accomplished, although Buchinger fasting provides pocket-size quantities of fruit juices and some beloved, providing up to 25–35 g carbohydrates/day. Experimental enquiry points to ketosis as the trigger of beneficial effects on brain and neurological diseases [ii]. Daily time-restricted feeding causing IMS ameliorates anxiety-like behaviour in mice [63]. IMS enhances also structural and functional synaptic plasticity, cognition and neuronal stress response [64].

In our cohort, no fatal or life-threatening event occurred. Self-reported balmy symptoms were observed mainly in the beginning days and disappeared either spontaneously or with natural remedies. Adverse effects were observed in 0.seven% of subjects. Only two subjects had to interrupt the fasting. Adverse effects accept too been mentioned in other studies [34, 65].

A recent publication that analysed retrospectively water-but fasting data institute relatively more than adverse effects, east. g. nausea, presyncope, dyspepsia, airsickness and palpitations [66], which we observed simply in unmarried cases. The utilize of different methodologies to assess and characterise AE limits the comparison with our study, which was prospective. Nevertheless, it could be possible that the supplementation with juices and soups, which slows down initial poly peptide catabolism [67], enhances tolerability by modulating the onset of ketosis.

As already mentioned, nosotros observed a subjective comeback in 85% of cases of a major health complaint. This documents within the limitations of a not-confirmatory study pattern the therapeutic effectiveness of Buchinger periodic fasting.

To appraise farther therapeutic effects of fasting, as well as the safety of this process, we performed extended laboratory assay. Inside the blood count leukocytes and thrombocytes decreased significantly simply not below norm range. In humans after CR as well as in mice fed with cycles of a low calorie fasting mimicking nutrition, a drop in leukocytes count was followed by an increment in hematopoietic, mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells in the os marrow. This was associated with the regeneration of all blood cell types and haemoglobin upon refeeding [4, 19]. We cannot extrapolate from our data whether this regeneration applies also to fasting in humans.

The increase in INR values was significant and more than marked in the groups who fasted longer. Bleeding fourth dimension (PTT) was as well increased. The increase in INR is well-known [68, 69] and tin can exist relevant for anticoagulated patients. During fasting they should be monitored and their medication adapted.

GOT and GPT levels showed a significant increase inside the norm range. GGT instead, dropped significantly and stronger in the groups who fasted longer. A zero-calorie diet in 88 obese people for a duration of upward to 35 days showed an increased activity of the GOT and GPT, with a summit in the iiird fasting week [25]. This moderate increment was explained by the enhanced transamination processes in the course of fasting. An initial overload of liver detoxifying action could be postulated and does not seem to have been deleterious effects, since GGT levels decreased and physical well-being increased steadily.

CRP values for all groups showed a significant increment within the norm range. A similar mild CRP increment was explained by the transient increase in circulating levels of catecholamines [34]. In a recent written report, the modulation of CRP levels was linked to changes in lipid profiles and associated to cardiovascular outcomes [seventy]. ESR later on 1 h and 2 h decreased significantly. Periodic fasting has been shown to clinically ameliorate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting decreased inflammatory processes [71]. IF boosts levels of antioxidants and reduces levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-half-dozen [72]. Serum markers of oxidative damage and inflammation are reduced in asthma patients maintained on an alternating twenty-four hours fast [62]. Moreover, the reduction of abdominal circumference which was significant in our study is likewise associated with a decrease in pro-inflammatory activeness [73].

We observed an increase of uric acid in all groups, with a lower value in F20d than in F15d, suggesting that the meridian of uric acid concentration was overwhelmed afterward fifteen days. This corresponds to previous observations from a cypher-calorie diet [45, 74]. The increment of uric acrid concentrations that exceeded the norm range, interestingly caused only one incidence of gout attack in a 72-year-erstwhile obese man, treated for hyperuricemia and gout previous to fasting.

The increased concentration of claret uric acrid is due to a slight initial increment in poly peptide catabolism, but above all is related to memory caused by competitive tubular secretion with ketone bodies. The latter are preferentially secreted during fasting.

Uric acid has a known antioxidant activity and is a potent scavenger of free radicals in blood plasma [75, 76]. Given that fasting is the product of a long evolutionary survival strategy, the antioxidant ability of uric acrid should exist taken into consideration.

A significant reduction in urea every bit well equally a pregnant increase in creatinine was observed, both remaining in norm range. This has been previously demonstrated in obese persons undergoing prolonged periods of a zip-calorie diet [45].

Nosotros did not observe any renal dysfunction in our cohort such as has been described in cases of extracellular hypovolemia [77]. This is probably explained by the fact that the subjects were asked to drink 3 L of water per day.

Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium were in norm range at the beginning and the end of the fast. They remained stable despite a slight acme in calcium and slight decrease in sodium levels. Enhanced natriuresis has been described in clan with ketosuria in the first stage of fasting, diminishing when ammonium, a metabolite of kidney gluconeogenesis, replaces sodium as accompanying cation [43, 47]. We registered six cases of balmy hyponatremia in the class of the fast, with the lowest sodium level of 127 mmol/Fifty. They were all non-serious and were normalized by the administration of sodium chloride.

In that location are some limitations related to our written report. First, this was an observational cohort written report with its well-known restrictions regarding interpretation of efficacy. Second, our findings are specific for BWC and may non be applicable for other institutions specialised in fasting, or for persons fasting without medical supervision, or outside of facilities specialized in fasting treatments. 3rd, information cess and information entry was not blinded and was performed by the staff of the BWC.


In determination, this one-year observational study demonstrates the safe of a periodic Buchinger fast of between 4 and 21 days, every bit well as its benign effects on health and well-beingness. Periodic fasting led to marked weight loss and improvements in several cardiovascular take chances factors, such as overweight, abdominal circumference and blood pressure level. It was accompanied by normalization of numerous claret parameters and led to pronounced comeback of the major health complaint in most participants. Chiefly, periodic Buchinger fasting was not linked to relevant perception of hunger. On the contrary, information technology was subjectively experienced as enjoyable, which is an important factor for compliance.

Further studies should evaluate the long-term specific health-related preventive and therapeutic effects of periodic fasting.

Supporting information

S1 Table

Consequence of fasting on clinical parameters, well-being and ketosis.


S2 Table

Outcome of fasting on lipid parameters and glycaemia.


S3 Tabular array

Raw information of Fig 2.

Changes in weight and abdominal circumference according to the length of fast and gender.


S4 Tabular array

Raw data of Fig 3.

Changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure according to the fasting length.


S5 Table

Raw data of Fig four.

Changes in emotional and concrete well-being during fasting.


S6 Table

Raw data of Fig 5.

Fasting-induced changes in lipid metabolism.


S7 Table

Raw data of Fig six.

Changes of blood glucose and glycated haemoglobin.


S8 Table

Raw data of Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the subjects.


S9 Table

Raw information of Table ii.

Mild symptoms and adverse furnishings.


S10 Table

Raw data of Table three.

Blood cells pre- and post-fasting.


S11 Table

Raw data of Table 4.

Claret parameters pre- and post-fasting.


S12 Table

Raw data of S1 Table.

Effect of fasting on clinical parameters, well-existence and ketosis.


S13 Table

Raw information of S1 Fig.

Occurrence of self-reported mild symptoms during fasting.


S14 Table

Raw data of S2 Fig.

Evolution of a pre-existing health complaint.


S15 Tabular array

Raw data of S4 Table.

Outcome of fasting on lipid parameters and glycaemia.


S1 Fig

Occurrence of self-reported mild symptoms during fasting.


S2 Fig

Development of a pre-existing health complaint.

A subgroup of 404 subjects indicated to have a major wellness complaint previous to the fasting.


S1 Text

STROBE checklist.


S2 Text

Study protocol in German.


S3 Text

Study protocol translated to English language.


S4 Text

Questionnaires in German language.


S5 Text

Questionnaires in English.


S6 Text

Questionnaires in French.



We are grateful to Birgit Maser and the Medical Center, equally well as Dr Eva Lischka, Dr Norbert Lischka, Siegfried Bäumler, Martine van Houten, Dr Andrea Siegler, Dr Henning Wittrock and the whole staff of BWC. We give thanks Dr Diethard Müller and his colleagues at MVZ Labor Ravensburg for the back up and laboratory analysis. We are also very grateful to Prof Chantal Simon for her continuous back up and the native speaker Claire Robinson for proofreading our manuscript.

Funding Statement

The study was financed past Amplius GmbH, Überlingen, Germany. This company has the task to develop a research department for the Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinics Überlingen and Marbella who are the funders. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and assay, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. No additional external funding received for this written report.

Data Availability

All relevant information are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.


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